
至於斑腿樹蛙及白頷樹蛙學名,我覺得很有趣,還在探索中。若用俗名來稱呼,根據2010年吳和瑾等人在台灣生物多樣性研究期刊發表,出現在馬祖、台灣中部的斑腿樹蛙學名是Polypedates megacephalus,那原本是台灣的白頷樹蛙學名,周文豪教授認為台灣的白頷樹蛙是Polypedates braueri(布氏樹蛙),但在AmphibiaWeb網站資料庫查無此蛙。和白頷樹蛙相近的物種統稱為Polypedates leucomystax species complex(白頷樹蛙種群),分類很複雜,尚未有定論。所以台灣白頷樹蛙的學名為何?我也不知道,姑且稱之為Polypedates leucomystax species complex的一種!

The family Ranidae 赤蛙科has been recently revised taxonomically by Bossuyt et al. (2006) and this taxonomy has been followed by Wiens et al. (2009). Ranid subfamilies include:
(1) Ceratobatrachinae (Malaysia, Philippines, Borneo, Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago)
(2) Conrauinae (Africa)
(3) Dicroglossinae 叉舌蛙亞科:澤蛙、虎皮蛙、海蛙、古氏赤蛙
(4) Mantellinae (Madagascar)
(5) Micrixalinae (India)
(6) Nyctibatrachinae (Western Ghats, India; Sri Lanka)
(7) Petropedetinae (Africa)
(8) Phrynobatrachinae (Africa)
(9) Ptychadeninae (mainly Africa)
(10)Pyxicephalinae (Africa)
(11)Raninae (cosmopolitan except for most of Australia and southern South America)赤蛙亞科
(12)Ranixalinae (India)
(13)Rhacophorinae (Asian treefrogs).樹蛙亞科

Bossuyt, F., Brown, R. M., Hillis, D. M., Cannatella, D. C., and Milinkovitch, M. C. 2006. Phylogeny and biogeography of a cosmopolitan frog radiation: late Cretaceous diversification resulted in continent-scale endemism in the family Ranidae. Systematic Biology 55, 579?94.

Wiens, J. J., Sukumaran, J., Pyron, R. A., and Brown, R. M. "Evolutionary and biogeographic origins of high tropical diversity in Old World frogs (Ranidae)." Evolution, 63, 1217-1231.

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