MySQL Query Error
Mysql error description: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_2952_0.MYI' (Errcode: 17)
Mysql error number: 1
Date: 2024-11-23 01:39
Script: http://yyr.froghome.tw/rss.php
SQL code: select a.logsediter,a.password,saveType,a.cateId,a.logTitle,a.logContent,a.author,a.postTime,b.name,a.id as cid,c.nickname from f2blog_logs as a inner join f2blog_categories as b on a.cateId=b.id left join f2blog_members as c on a.author=c.username where a.saveType=1 and (a.cateId='2' or a.cateId='3' or a.cateId='5' or a.cateId='7' or a.cateId='6' or a.cateId='8') order by a.postTime desc limit 0,10